It's a bit scary having had a reliable income for the last couple of years, but I'm confident that I've learnt so much and met so many fantastic people, that I have even more to offer than I did 2 years ago. I've been through a full re-registration audit, written an assessment, put together RPL kits, developed an online enrolment system, developed an eCAF system for VET Fee-Help applications, migrated to a new CRM (ZOHO) system and redeveloped an instance of Moodle - not bad for a couple of years work.
Now I'm going to spend my energy helping others develop their business online. I've even put together a turn-key, online business opportunity that even the biggest techophobe will be able to own and operate for under $4k - more about that very soon!
In the meantime, I'm busy going through all of my old tutorials and republishing the ones that are still relevant and updating the ones that are out of date. I'll let you know when I post new updates.
I'm really excited about 2017 and hope I can be of service to you.
Sunday, January 1, 2017